This blog was created for the purpose of sharing success in the classroom with other teachers! It also is a forum for forming a connection with other teachers to cultivate and inspire new ideas and strategies that will support all learners for success. It's all about the kids! Let's work together to support their success!

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Classroom Dojo!

I learned about a FANTASTIC behavior management system called Class Dojo!!  It is a website that allows you to closely monitor students behavior, both positive and negative,  and get reports to send to parents!

It's totally free!  Just sign up, then enter your classes.  Enter student names, assign an avatar for each student!  During class, simply click on the avatar for any students behavior that you wish to note,  whether positive or negative and assign them points!  This can be done using, computer, iPad, or smartphone! 

The great thing about this is that it keeps a tally of behaviors, takes attendance, and can be emailed to parents!!

Give it a try!  Here is the link!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Great Blog with TONS of Resources-FREE!

I just wanted to inform everyone of a blog that is fabulous!  Darey Stacy's blog; Classroom Chic, is so fantastic!  I have worked with Darey and she is a terrific teacher!  She is also a creative genius!  If you are interested in created a unified theme classroom, with coordinating instructional materials that are core curriculum based, join her blog!  The link to her blog is available on the right, under Learning Links!

Interactive Science Bulletin Board

This past year I tried out this new method of teaching the Properties of Matter using an interactive bulletin board.  One of the specialists in our science department sent me a photo of another fabulous teachers bulletin board, so this again is not of my own creation!  I did however, make it mine!  This bulletin board is such a great tool for science and across the curriculum because students create it, they in-turn use it to apply new learning and cement the concepts of changing matter.

If you would like to see some photos of the bulletin board, and how I used it, I have placed a photo link for your convenience.  Just click on the picture and walla, the document is yours! Happy investigating!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

P.R.O.B.E. Guidelines & Introduction

First, I want to be clear that I didn't make all of these resources! They are credited to Veronica B., a fabulous curriculum specialist!  I have adapted and used them in my classroom and wanted to share the success!

I have attached a link that will take you to an introductory PowerPoint, guidelines worksheet, and rubric to use in your classroom.  Feel free to make adjustments and make it yours!

PROBE PowerPoint Link

PROBE Guidelines Worksheet

PROBE Rubric 

PROBE Guidelines in Spanish

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


One of the best strategies for reading that I have used for facilitating learning across the curriculum is called a P.R.O.B.E. (Personal Research On Basically Everything).   The  P.R.O.B.E. is a method of teaching students how to conduct research, site resources, write informational pieces, use technology of various kinds, use creativity and illustration to share their learning.  Not to mention that it is interest driven, so students love it! I did not create the idea of the P.R.O.B.E., I am just sharing what I have learned and used!

These are just a few examples of my students work.  When the P.R.O.B.E. is complete the student has gained new background knowledge.  Having sufficient background knowledge is especially difficult for ESL (English Second Language) learners or students living in a low socioeconomic situations due to lack of experiences or resources.  It is the perfect catalyst for guiding students in the writers workshop, teaching grammar, and conventions. The PROBE provides opportunities for children to explore their world and learn while they do it!  Students are especially excited to publish their work!  More information on guidelines and instructions for introducing PROBE's in your classroom is coming!