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Wednesday, August 8, 2012


One of the best strategies for reading that I have used for facilitating learning across the curriculum is called a P.R.O.B.E. (Personal Research On Basically Everything).   The  P.R.O.B.E. is a method of teaching students how to conduct research, site resources, write informational pieces, use technology of various kinds, use creativity and illustration to share their learning.  Not to mention that it is interest driven, so students love it! I did not create the idea of the P.R.O.B.E., I am just sharing what I have learned and used!

These are just a few examples of my students work.  When the P.R.O.B.E. is complete the student has gained new background knowledge.  Having sufficient background knowledge is especially difficult for ESL (English Second Language) learners or students living in a low socioeconomic situations due to lack of experiences or resources.  It is the perfect catalyst for guiding students in the writers workshop, teaching grammar, and conventions. The PROBE provides opportunities for children to explore their world and learn while they do it!  Students are especially excited to publish their work!  More information on guidelines and instructions for introducing PROBE's in your classroom is coming!

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